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Easy Application: How To Apply Window Film

Step by step instructions on how to apply window film & frost glass

Regardless of the type of window film or stickers you purchase, whether frosted, tinted, mirror or decorative, the principle on how to fit window film will be the same. We also have several targeted video tutorials which you will find by clicking here

Glass Preparation (the crucial task)

Glass Preparation

Make a slip solution using a few drops of washing up liquid mixed with water in a spray bottle and thoroughly clean the glass. Use a glass scraper to remove specks of paint, or any other glass covering like stickers.

Film Cutting

Film Cutting

Unless your window film is already cut to size, and if the film has a paper liner with a metric grid, measure your glass at the top and bottom, and left and right and mark and cut your window film. You can also cut the film bigger than required and trim it once applied to the glass.

Film Application

Film Application

A. Thoroughly wet the glass with the slip solution.

B. Place the window film face down an a flat surface and expose a small amount of the adhesive or cling side.

C.  Spray the adhesive or cling side liberally with the slip solution as you peel off the protective liner.

D. Slip the adhesive or cling side of the film on the glass butting one edge and the top against the window frame or rubber gasket (double glazed unit).


Squeegee Technique

Squeegee Technique

A. Liberally wet the face of the film with the solution to act as a lubricant fro your squeegee or felt edged tool.

B-C. Squeeze out the solution from under the film using a firm and even pressure, starting from the top and working your way down and across the film.

Film Trimming

Film Trimming

Run a credit card and a retractable knife blade down the edge of the glass to trim any excess film. The thickness of the card will allow for a small gap to help any remaining solution to be squeezed out. Once trimming is complete go over the film once more to squeeze out all the solution. 

Final Checks

1. Make sure that all the solution has been squeezed out.

2. Wipe the film and any remaining solution with paper towel.

3. Inspect the film on both sides of the glass to check for any trapped solution or air bubbles.

How To Remove Window Film

Removing window film can be a very easy process, but it all depends on how long the film has been on the glass, and the type of film that was used.

Here's a video tutorial which shows the basic principal.

Typically, films are either made using PVC or PET.

PVC is  a soft material which can be peeled off the glass with a glass scraper. Any glue residue can be removed with soapy water and a scraper.

PET is a brittle material widely used for solar and safety film, and might be made of layers of mettalised material. To remove this type of film, use a wide glass scraper and lubricate with soapy water to remove the film.

As a rule, old PET film are more difficult to remove than PVC films.

For large panes, it is best to first score the film into strips with a sharp knife. This means that you can tackle it in more manageable pieces.


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